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Will Clipman

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Will Clipman began playing his father’s drums and his mother’s piano at the age of three. He played his first professional gig at fourteen, and has since then mastered a pan-global palette of over one hundred percussion instruments in addition to the traditional drumset. Will has received seven GRAMMY® nominations, including one for his solo world music album Pathfinder. He is a three-time Native American Music Award Winner, a Canadian Aboriginal Music Award Winner, a New Age Reporter Music Award Winner, a two-time TAMMIE Award Winner, and has been inducted into the Tucson Musicians Museum. Will has recorded over sixty albums, including over thirty for Canyon Records, where he is regarded as the house percussionist. In addition to his solo work, Will performs and records with R. Carlos Nakai and William Eaton, among many other internationally-acclaimed artists and ensembles, and has toured throughout the United States as well as in Canada, Germany, Morocco and Russia. His solo Planet of Percussion® performance and workshop takes audiences of all ages on a world tour of rhythm and polyrhythm.

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