From Charles,
"Facets of Love is a solo piano EP that explores some of the multitude of different ways we experience the emotion of love. This particular EP, likely to be "volume 1" in a continuing set of music inspired by love, is heavily influenced by the love we have for our pets, with "For Clementine", "For Rigby," and "For Eleanor" all being pieces inspired by these previous and current pets of mine, their unique personalities, and also our relationships together. The other two tracks on this EP focus on some of the human aspects of relationships with "Holding Hands" musically representing the innocent bliss and joy of going on a stroll, hand in hand, with the one you love, either for the first time or the thousandth. "Thinking About You" is more in the style of a "song" with a quasi-vocally-driven melody that I improvised one evening while my wife was out and about and I was feeling a bit lonely and awaiting her return, literally thinking about her."
